Recently have been published the 2010 Hungarian Central Statistical Office data of same-sex registered partnership (RP): 80 pairs, 122 male and 38 female. Only few media reported this (eg, although it might be interesting data for all, those who support and those who oppose the recognition of gay couple’s relationship. Since the RP has become legal in Hungary in 2009 it has been attacked from several directions: in one hand the conservative clergy opposed it because it is too similar to marriage, in the other hand the majority of people with liberal values and the concerned people are also unsatisfied because it is far less than the a marriage. That’s the fact: RP is an assuming of sexual identity, so those 160 people were courageous people who have undertaken it in the present Hungarian society. We hope and wish that they also be happy!
Kaleidoscope és Prizma
2011.11.12. 06:53
Those 160 of us
Címkék: 2010 statistics registered partnership
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